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Useful information about the city

Map of Germany

Map of Germany

Facts about Munich

Munich is the capital of the Free State of Bavaria

Population: 1,3 Millionen.
Official city colors: black/yellow.
Coat of arms: Münchner Kindl (The child of Munich)
Geographic location: 48 degrees 8'23" northern latitude; 11 degrees 34'28" eastern longitude.
Average height: 1738 feet above sea level.
Area: 120 square miles.

Average daily temperatures (in degrees Celsius): January -2.1, March 3.3, May 12.5, July 17.5, August 16.6, October 7.9, December -0.7.

Average sunshine hours per month: January 56, March 142, May 217, July 226, August 211, October 130, December 41.

Map of Munich

Map of Munich

For more information...

The address of the Munich City Tourist Office Click here to find out more about Munich
Fremdenverkehrsamt der Landeshauptstadt München, 80313 München,
Telephone: (+49)(089) 2 39 11 (2 33 03 00)
Telefax (+49)(089) 2 39 13 13 (23 33 02 33)
Telex 52 48 01 fras d
BTX *2 38 00 #


picture of Munich

picture of Munich

picture of Munich

picture of Munich

picture of Munich

picture of Munich

picture of Munich

picture of Munich

picture of Munich

picture of Munich

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